GfX3d.library v2.x ================== Copyright ========= This software and docs are shareware. It may be freely distributed as long as no part of the distribution is changed or removed. If you develop a commercial or shareware software that use the GfX3d.library, you MUST send me a registered copy of your software, and you MUST register the version of GfX3d.library used (if you not are registered). The gfx3d.library file is freely distributable. The copyright remains (C) 1998 Gabriele Budelacci. Disclaimer ========== The author cannot be held liable for the suitability or accuracy of this manual nor the program(s) and can not accept any responsibility for damage directly or indirectly caused by the use of this manual and/or the programs. In other words: Anything you do is at your own risk. Registration ============ The unregistered docs explains only v2.x functions. If you want to register send It£ 10.000 , or DM 10 (or ECU 5 or equivalent...) to the address given below. Please add your e-mail address to your registration. You will receive the manuals of v3.x functions (when availables) via e-mail. The author ========== Gabriele Budelacci via Repubblica 9 47030 San Mauro Mare Forlì ITALY e-mail: IRC: NickName "Bubu" or "Bubu7te" Channels #AMIGAITA, #AMIGA http-page: